Rain Burd is a simple collection-centric platformer where you bounce around a trampoline-filled room collecting raindrops and coins. The raindrop is naturally worth 1 point but the coins increase the raindrop's value, making it stronger and you more efficient!

It is meant to be played as a stim during virtual conversation.  A hand-busier.

The game "ends" when the raindrop falls, but you should feel free to keep collecting coins, practicing your maneuvers and combos. 

Sometimes it's just fun to bounce around :)

Best played in full-screen


Space = Flap Wings  ( 'jump' )

A/D = Left/Right

= Descend   ( straight down )

= Ascend  ( straight up )

R/Backspace = Restart

C/B = Pause + Settings


Soft Combos - 

    • The game has 3 abilities, S (ascend), W (descend), and Space (jump). these can combine in a number of ways with the left and right movement inputs to create something great. 
      • W  (descend) rapidly into S (ascend) creates a pecking motion. This can be used to grab something below you only to maintain altitude.  (seen  above)
      • The S (ascend) ability cuts your x-coordinate movement to 0 while the Space (jump) ability keeps your x movement. Chaining S's  between Right and Left inputs will cut out the natural drift and bring you upwards faster. Sometimes it's faster to simply jump and bounce off the wall, it depends on the scenario.
      • I wanted the environment to be used regularly and comfortably. The bottom triangles can be used to traverse cross map quite effectively by descending onto them and holding Left or Right.

Stimulating Playground-Style Movement -

    • In Rainburd ,  the goal is to collect coins to increase the value of each raindrop, ultimately saving on time and maximizing efficiency. How much you care about that goal is up to you, the player.  
    • The coins spawn randomly within a predictable range, you are constantly finding a new path while creating a play-goal.  While the raindrop must be collected, there are roughly 2-3 seconds before it drops to mess around and explore the enclosed environment. I feel the raindrop goal maintains my interest while I can still ideate and create small self challenges with the coins goal. 
    • The movement adds a layer of feasibility and visualization to my pursuing of the goals, changing in ways that must be adapted to differently everytime.


  • The project took me about a couple months on and off. It was a great experience that, aside from the music, was made entirely by myself.  
  • I learned a lot about unity's file system and compression, the rigidbody system and its physics, as well as the limits of primitive shapes. 
  • I cannot wait to apply these principles to my future projects. Rain Burd feels like a good starting point, I can only imagine the lessons my next project holds.

( P.S. My highscore is 1208)

Uses liscence-free music
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorZach Spindel
Made withUnity
Tagsplayground, quirky, Simple, stim
Average sessionA few minutes


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so much fun

Thank you so much!!